Soft Fruit Fungicide & Pesticide Sprayers

Conventional 4 row Strawberry Sprayer complete with ground following wheel assemblies carrying the nozzles, plus rufflers, ensuring good chemical penetration in the crop.

Strawberry "Table-top" Sprayers

Table top sprayers either 250 litre tank and single axle or 400 litre tank with twin axle machine available. Chemical pump either tractor PTO driven or Honda Engine driven.

Close up of "wet" boom having up to 12 nozzles per row ensuring efficient covering of crop with chemical (fungicide and pesticide) control.

  • Different boom models available - fully adjustable for height and width 2 & 4 booms illustrated.
  • Chemical pump either Tractor PTO or Honda engine driven.
  • Multi-nozzle booms ensuring good coverage of crop.
  • Turf tyres (LGP.) for smooth, even ride.
  • Easily towed

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